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 and could use your help.


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We cannot do this without the financial support of generous people like you.

In the Ohio Stands Up! News


On 1/10/2022 Mendenhall Law Group filed a lawsuit on behalf of a few Hudson parents representing their minor children against the Hudson City School District, BOE for imposing unlawful mask mandates, quarantining policies, Covid testing procedures, and vaccination discrimination. It took almost two years of motions and appeals for this case to finally reach the discovery phase where both parties get to present evidence and exchange information.


This is very exciting news!


No other cases involving Covid mandates and school enforcement of these mandates have reached this phase!  Although this has been a long process and many want to move on from this nightmare, we know this is still an important fight to finish!  As a result, our board is standing with Warner Mendenhall and his team and believes a positive precedent can be set for all Ohio’s children!  We would like a judgement on record, so abuses of power such as these never happen again! 


What We Need:


Ohio Stands Up! could use your help in keeping this case going!


Starting today, we are announcing that for every donation given to our nonprofit, Ohio Stands Up! will match donations up to $5000, which will go to Mendenhall Law for this case. 


Donations given today through 4/19/24 will be matched and a lump sum check will be given to Mendenhall Law.


Any amount will help, and nothing is too small!


For those who might not know, the discovery phase can get very costly with time and expert witnesses. 


You can donate online via our website below or write a check to Ohio Stands Up! Just be sure it’s dated on or before 4/19/24.


Ohio Stands Up! will keep you informed of any developments in this case and email the total amount donated. We can’t continue this fight without you! 


Thank you for your continued support!

Dr. Richard M. Fleming PHD/MD/JD ~ Covid-19 is a Man Made Bio-Weapon

Updated Filings from Attorney Warner Mendenhall

Perrysburg Schools Board of Education                Hudson City School District               Bowling Green University

Let's talk about the Ohio Stands Up! movement, the origins of the group, and what's in store for the near future.

Dr. Jeff Barke and Dr. Mark McDonald spend time with Jason and Renee Hedges. They are the founders of Ohio Stands Up. This is a non-profit that funds legal actions against government overreach. Important takeaways include the amazing success of the effort and the fact that it is a husband and wife who decided to do something. Explore more information and continue to develop your very own Informed Dissent.

February 09, 2022

History of Ohio Stands Up!

I want to welcome all our new members and thank everyone that has supported Ohio Stands Up! since our inception in April of 2020.  Ohio Stands Up! is approaching our 2nd anniversary, and I’d like to provide an accurate historical account of Ohio Stands Up! and our future as an organization.  After all, if it weren’t for our dedicated supporters, Ohio Stands Up! would not exist.   


In April of 2020, Jen Drabik approached me over a Facebook chat and inquired if I would be interested in co-administering a Facebook page dedicated to fighting against the impending mask mandates.  I saw the value of challenging the COVID-19 narrative and I obliged.  Shortly after, Jen launched the private Facebook page called “Ohioans Against Mandatory Masks” and the page amassed a strong following throughout the summer of 2020.  Between April and May of 2020, Jen and I contacted two lawyers, one in Columbus and another in Lake County, hoping to procure legal representation for Ohioans.  Neither attorney was interested in our cause.  While we continued our search, I submitted a post to our Facebook page inquiring if volunteers would be interested in creating a board.  We had several offers and many have since come and gone.  To date, five of the original board members remain. Unfortunately, our private Facebook page was scrubbed in the summer of 2021 by Facebook; however, our public Facebook page remains.  We also have a strong following on MeWe.    


As the spring of 2020 turned to summer, Jen and I considered changing the name of the Facebook group, as we knew the end result of the COVID “pandemic” was the push for mass inoculation and infringement upon our civil liberties.  In June of 2020, a talented, Ohio-based musician named Micah who briefly served on the board suggested the name “Ohio Stands Up!” and the name resonated.  Micah also provided the website domain.


With a “rough draft” Ohio Stands Up! board, my wife and I paid a $500 consultation fee to a law firm in Cincinnati hoping they would join our fight.  Alas, that firm did not share our enthusiasm and it was back to square one.  Between June and July of 2020, we were introduced to attorney Robert Gargasz, who in turn introduced us to attorney Thomas Renz of Fremont, Ohio.  Our board met with attorneys Gargasz and Renz and petitioned to file a lawsuit against Ohio Governor Mike DeWine.  On July 6th, 2020, I started a fundraising campaign to support the legal battle we were about to initiate.  Within roughly 2-3 weeks, we raised $10,000 to retain the legal representation of attorney Thomas Renz.  On July 20th, 2020, attorney Renz met my wife Renee and I at our home and we signed a fee agreement to enact a lawsuit against Mike DeWine, challenging his emergency declaration on behalf of ALL Ohioans.  That suit was filed on August 31st, 2020, and was subsequently withdrawn in March of 2021, as Mike DeWine, in predictable fashion, withdrew the emergency declaration rendering the lawsuit inert.  A second lawsuit was filed against the CDC, HHS, and the NCHS in December of 2020; however, this suit was dismissed in September of 2021. While this dismissal was appealed, Ohio Stands Up! elected to withdraw from the suit so that our financial resources could be shifted and applied solely to Ohioans in need.  While not a founding member of Ohio Stands Up!, attorney Renz has since embarked on national work and in October of 2021, Ohio Stands Up! partnered with Akron-based law firm, Mendenhall Law Group.  Attorney Warner Mendenhall has been exposing and fighting government corruption for over 20 years.  Since partnering with Mendenhall Law Group, Ohio Stands Up! has provided legal aid to the following cases: Bowling Green State University, the University of Cincinnati, Ohio University, Highland Tavern in Akron, Ohio, Smuckers in Orrville, Ohio, and a more recent ADA case filed in the Southern District in federal court.  


In December of 2020, Ohio Stands Up! held our very first official fundraiser and social event in Akron, Ohio at Wise Guys Lounge and Grill.  This event sold out and we’ve held similar events around the state of Ohio with great success!  Our August 2021 and January 2022 events sold out and accrued quite a waiting list for those hoping to attend.  These events were modeled after the Ohio School Psychology Association (OSPA) conferences and integrated educational and social elements and included basket raffles, 50/50 raffles, wine pulls, and merchandise sales.  We’ve had the pleasure of hosting many keynote speakers including Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Beth Laffay, industrial hygiene expert Stephen Petty, and many others.  These fundraising events have enabled our organization to continue providing educational opportunities to the citizens of Ohio AND to continue the legal fight!  We are pleased to announce that Dr. Bryan Ardis will be our keynote speaker in Cincinnati on Saturday, April 9th, and Dr. Mark McDonald, a psychiatric expert from Los Angeles and author of “United States of Fear: How America Fell Victim to a Mass Delusional Psychosis”, on Saturday, June 11th in Westerville.   


Ohio Stands Up! acquired 501(c)(4) nonprofit status in October of 2021 and we operate as an autonomous organization.  Currently, the goal of Ohio Stands Up! is to support state-wide lawsuits by (1) helping others raise funds to support lawsuits; and (2) matching funds to offset costs.  This community-based legal action allows all Ohioans to take an active role in reclaiming our God-given freedoms and securing a free Ohio for our children.      

Ohio Stands Up! started as a simple idea with two average, everyday Ohioans hoping to mitigate the evil that was being foisted on the Buckeye State.  Over time, other Ohioans have contributed to the effort and our organization has grown exponentially because of YOU!  We have nearly 77 Ohio Stands Up! groups throughout the state, two members of Ohio Stands Up! helped launch a well-received Ohio Stands Up! cookbook, and many of you are utilizing your talents to embark on fundraising and educational efforts to continue the fight.  


We are eternally grateful for your support, and we have since established an Ohio Stands Up! fundraising campaign on Give Send Go and humbly request that any donations to Ohio Stands Up! be made through our website at or Give Send Go at  Please share our Give Send Go campaign, as your donations allow Ohio Stands Up! to continue our legal and educational pursuits for Ohioans. 


As always, thank you for your continued support.  Never give in.  Never surrender. 


In Christ!

- Jason K. Hedges, Co-founder, Ohio Stands Up! 

February 09, 2022

Ohio Stands Up! cherishes our God-given rights and has been fighting back against the tyranny that has befallen Ohio since April of 2020. We believe any infringement on our right to bodily autonomy and medical freedom is a direct threat to our way of life AND our right to choose what's best for us and our families.


As a show of support for the trucker convey in Canada, we have vacated Go Fund Me in light of their recent actions against the trucker convoy fundraising campaign. We have since established an Ohio Stands Up! fundraising campaign on Give Send Go and humbly request that any donations to Ohio Stands Up! be made through Give Send Go or via our website. Links are provided below.


We desperately need financial support. Please share our Give Send Go campaign, as your donations allow Ohio Stands Up! to continue our legal and educational pursuits for Ohioans.


As always, thank you for your continued support.

Never give in! Never surrender!

Give Send Go:

January 10, 2022

Stephen Petty, host of the Petty Podcast, is back and will be providing 4 more videos on masks in the short-term. He explains why masking cannot and does not work at the 100,000 ft. 5 ft. and micro levels. Information is provided that will allow you to make arguments to others.

Stephen will be applying his knowledge as an engineer and health & safety expert to breakdown recent events (i.e., COVID-19, Surfside condo collapse, etc.) to better explain elements of these events and offer science-backed solutions.

December 18, 2021

Ohio Stands Up! & Mendenhall Law Firm share the Ohio University and Smuckers lawsuit

This group did a tremendous job raising funds for their lawsuit! I’m happy to announce, Ohio Stands Up! donations also helped fund a portion of this much needed suit. We want to thank those who donate to Ohio Stands Up! Community supported legal action is one way for Ohioans to fight back! Please support Ohio Stands Up! and Mendenhall Law Group.


According to the lawsuit filing, “this is a civil action for declaratory and injunctive relief involving the statutory and constitutional validity of UC’s vaccination and health measure mandates effective Sept. 1, 2021.


“One of the things we have seen across the country is exactly what we are pointing out in this lawsuit, that authorities are stepping outside the bounds of their authority,” Mendenhall said. “That equals an abuse of power, and it’s happening at federal, state and local level and at colleges and universities. Our lawsuit is designed to check the abuse of power.”


“We have autonomy in our medical-decision making,” Mendenhall said. “It is unprecedented that a university would require an experimental medical procedure on students or masking.

“We are waking up to the fact that the COVID-19 injection is not stopping spread,” Mendenhall added. “Those who get the shot do not provide protection to anyone else. It is absurd that people are mistreated because they choose to not get a shot.” He noted that natural immunity is overlooked and it can be at least six times stronger than the vaccine.


“We would like [university officials] to end all mandates and not treat people differently,” Mendenhall added when asked about the lawsuit’s objective.”

December 14, 2021

Ohio Stands Up! & Mendenhall Law Firm share the University of Cincinnati lawsuit

12/14/2021 – Ohio Stands Up! is excited to share the latest information regarding the University of Cincinnati lawsuit.  Click on the PDF button to open the document from Mendenhall Law Firm.

Thank you for your support

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Keep standing, Ohio! 

December 4, 2021

Ohio Stands Up! Announces Financial Support for Mendenhall Law Firm Plaintiffs from Ohio University, Bowling Green State University, and University of Cincinnati!

12/04/2021 – Ohio Stands Up! is a 501(c)(4) community-based legal advocacy organization comprised of God-fearing, patriotic volunteers from across Ohio. Ohio Stands Up! is excited to announce our financial support for plaintiffs composed of students, parents, and staff from Ohio University, Bowling Green State University, and the University of Cincinnati. The plaintiffs are represented by Akron-based Mendenhall Law Group. Through our financial support, we are helping to ease the financial burden of plaintiffs seeking to challenge unconstitutional Covid policies through litigation efforts. Ohio Stands Up! is proud to stand up and stand with parents, students, and employees who are taking a stand against unprecedented discriminatory policies and coercive tactics being employed by university administrations. Ohio Stands Up! will continue to stand up and stand with Ohioans seeking legal action against overreaching policies which threaten the individual’s right to bodily autonomy and medical freedom. These paramount cases have far-reaching potential to set good precedent for all Ohioans.

Funding for current and future litigation efforts are only made possible through the financial contributions of Ohio Stands Up! supporters. The Ohio Stands Up! Board will continue to review cases that may benefit from financial support and help facilitate fund raising to procure legal representation. If you’d like to donate to our efforts, please visit our website and donate directly to Ohio Stands Up! at All donations go toward legal and educational efforts, and our board members work strictly on a voluntary basis.

Thank you to everyone that started with us, that supports our efforts, and continues standing up! Please connect with us on Facebook at, on MeWe at or Twitter at

Please consider signing up for email notifications at to be kept up to date on the latest news of lawsuits we are financially supporting and upcoming events taking place across Ohio.

Keep standing, Ohio!


November 4, 2021


Ohio Stands Up! Expands Resources and Partnership to Reclaim and Defend Ohioans’ Civil Liberties

11/4/21 – Ohio Stands Up! is a 501(c)(4) advocacy organization comprised of God-fearing, patriotic volunteers from  Ohio. Founded in April of 2020, Ohio Stands Up! was the first “stands up” organization of its kind and we have  many states following suit (Please visit America Stands Up! at Our mission  encapsulates a three-tiered approach and lawsuits are just one area of focus. The mission of Ohio Stands Up! is to  reclaim and defend Ohioans’ civil liberties through legal, educational, and political action. As an advocacy  organization, Ohio Stands Up! aims to educate Ohioans and all Americans on the reality of COVID-19 while  ensuring that our constitutional rights are honored in the process. Ohio Stands Up! was the first state to file a  federal lawsuit in an effort to challenge the governor’s entire State of Emergency. 


Ohio Stands Up! has been vetting and researching attorneys willing to litigate in Ohio and we are officially announcing our support of Mendenhall Law Group. Ohio Stands Up! is proud to announce that this small firm in  Akron, Ohio is dedicated to representing and litigating cases involving unconstitutional COVID policies impacting  Ohioans. Currently, Mendenhall Law challenged Miami University’s unconstitutional covid policies and the university retracted its policies. Mendenhall Law is seeking to challenge other universities who are implementing similar policies. There are other cases being developed involving a variety of sectors. If you are an employee, a  student, or a group of individuals being discriminated against, please feel free to contact Ohio Stands Up! at 419- 455-1585. We are assisting Warner Mendenhall in triaging these prospective cases. The Ohio Stands Up! board  will be reviewing cases that may benefit from financial support and help facilitate fund raising to procure legal  representation. Because plaintiffs will incur legal costs, Ohio Stands Up! would like to buffer some of the financial  hardship when possible. If you’d like to donate to these cases that could set a good precedent for all Ohioans,  please visit our website and donate directly to Ohio Stands Up! at All  donations go toward legal and educational efforts and our board members work strictly on a voluntary basis. 

Thank you to everyone that started with us, that supports our efforts, and continues standing up!

Please connect  with us on Facebook at,

on MeWe at or

Twitter at and sign up for email

notifications at

Jan. 28, 2021​

Ohio Stands Up! Releases a Video Resource Library Providing Uncensored COVID Truth

01/28/2021, Ohio Stands Up! is excited to announce the release of our Video Resource Library on our website! With currently over 185 videos (and growing) organized into 10 playlists, including a brand new exclusive Ohio Stands Up! video series “Legal Briefs,” you can further empower yourself with uncensored facts about the truth of COVID while also being able to share each video. And we would love for you to send us any video suggestions we can add to the library.


Library Playlists

  1. Legal Briefs – a brand new exclusive Ohio Stands Up! video series! “Legal Briefs” provides insights into our federal lawsuit by our attorneys in brief 2-7 minute episodes. Each episode covers a single topic including learning about our lawsuit evidence, legal arguments and strategy. A new episode will be added every Monday. The first 3 episodes of this series are now live which include: Episode 1 – Why is our federal lawsuit unique?, Episode 2 - Evidence the CDC partners with the news media to scare the population into action, Episode 3 - Evidence CDC intentionally misleads on fatality rate.

  2. Mask Hysteria

  3. Vaccine & Immunity Passports

  4. Doctors & Nurses Speak Out

  5. Flaws & Lies w/Testing, Data & Risks

  6. Lockdown Hysteria & Freedom

  7. COVID Politics & Origin

  8. COVID Transmission

  9. Ohio Stands Up! Media Coverage

  10. Ohio Stands Up! Events & Speeches


United together we can continue growing our movement to educate on the reality of COVID-19 while working to restore freedoms for all freedom-loving people.



2926 State Road #142 
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44223

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